niedziela, 11 listopada 2018

Under Pressure

Hello, my dear Honey Buns!

I would like to start this entry with the most absurd situation that has ever happened to me. OK, 'ever' is a little strong (I have tendencies to dramatize 🙈🙈). Back at the ranch, about two weeks ago I had started watching 'Vikings' on Netflix and after  a few episodes I became obsessed with this series, which was no surpise for me as I worship 'The Lord of The Rings' (fun fact- I know almost entire screenplay by heart) and other similar works. Having regard to this fact, imagine my face when I realised that there is no  season 5 of 'Vikings' on Netflix. I was more than disappointed, I was devastated (I know, I am dramatizing again).

Anyway, I lost my heart to this series and most of the day I spent figuring out how to grind it (or the 'Lord of the Rings') into my bachelor's thesis, unfortunately with no success. What about you? Do you have any idea how to do it? Feel free to share your thoughts in comments 😊

There is one more idea  that I would like to tell you about. Well, not many of you know that I really enjoy political series, obviously American ones. I came up with the idea of writing my bachelor's thesis about political reality introduced in TV series and existing in people's imagination. Of course, I would like to correlate it with what politics actually look like but this is just loose idea, nothing serious. Let me know what you think about it.

On a final note, not much changed since my last post. I mean, there is still  huge mess in my head. I have no idea what topic would be most comfortable for me to write about. Consequently, I am getting more and more frustrated and it doesn't help me at all to think straight.

OK, let's leave this depressive mood behind. As I got obsessed with Queen and Freddy Mercury himslef , I've got some positive accent for you (but mostly for me, I guess) at the end- check the link below. I hope it will cheer us up and our bachelor's thesis will rock!

Happy Independence Day to all of you! I was wondering if you are as touched by this special day as I am. A 100 years of so hard fought freedom, that's something!

See you all guys on Tuesday,

Also, if you want to know where the title of this entry comes from:

3 komentarze:

  1. Ahhh I'm guessing you must've seen Bohemian Rhapsody? ;D

    1. Actually, I haven't seen it yet :D

    2. It's amazing! I know there's some inconsequence in how the plot corresponds to their actual story, but all in all, it really is a great film in my opinion :)
