niedziela, 6 stycznia 2019

Shame on me...

After quite a break I am back! More alive and kicking than ever (except I can barely squeeze into my jeans) 😂

I don't know about you but I find extremely difficult trying to go back to normal after such a long period of eating, sleeping, and eating again. However tomorrow's quiz makes me get back on the track a little bit faster.

When it comes to my BA thesis... Well... Shame on me. I did absolutely nothing during Christmas break. I shouldn't be writing this, but hey, let's be honest with each other.

However, there is one interesting news I've got. The team of Elendilion (facebook informational profile about Tolkien) that i wrote about in my last post responded to my message. They didn't provide me with much information but they prompted me an additional source that my be useful for my BA thesis.

The plan for the rest of the week is to do some decent research and read Tolkien's Letters that constitutes the base of my BA thesis. 700 pages cannot wait any longer  so see you quys tomorror!


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